Diary of a Demented Store Owner

Thursday, 22 February 2007

Another Truckload of Goodies Arrive!

Continuing our determination to break free of a poor Canadian supply problem, and to meet demand for our many out-of-stocks, Sam and Mikey take delivery of four skids of fresh supplies today and what a treat it is! We now have;
for the stained glass person- German Knipex Groziers (the absolute best- Mikey's pair is over twenty years old!), powered glass engravers to sign your work, Verde Green Patina (just like Tiffany), several styles of brass banding (including the ever elusive zipper banding), iron cozies (now you don't have to wait for your iron to cool down when leaving class), German glazing nails, really cool candle light frames, CJ's Flux and Patina Cleaner (to take the place of the no longer available Classique Neutra 5000), large and small square vase caps (that's right folks- we've got 'em), some amazingly ornate bevel clusters like a Madonna, a ribbon and a cross with lillies, some gorgeous wheel engraved bevel accent pieces, and over 2000 sale squares!

for the fuser- liquid stringer and the applicator bottles to go with it, bending glaze, fancy precut dichroic shapes like spirals, swirls and squiggles, Primo Primer (amazing stuff), cross shaped fusing bases, barette molds and clips, tie and money clips, ceramica pens, Aqua Glow (make your fused pieces glow in the dark), 17 and 24 ga high temp wire at half the price you're currently paying, polarizing sheet (now you can test your own glass for compatibility- it's important that we all get along isn't it?), Spray A and Super Spray, and several patterned dichroics from Savoy Studios with patterns like Snakeskin and Nautilus...

for the lampworker- a new air drying bead release, mini- paddles, goldstone, bench mounted didymium shields, metallic essence, gold didymium shades (all the rage this year on the Riviera) and at a great price too, and about 20 new books all on lampworking!

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