Diary of a Demented Store Owner

Wednesday 24 October 2007

More Spectrum Fusible but Don't Panic Lani

Lani is one of the owners of Bullseye, and seeing as she is still grieving over Ed her cat (see her comments elsewhere) and might be in a sensitive mood, Mikey needs to reassure her that we are still firmly and undeniably in the Bullseye camp- we actually just use Spectrum in the old bait-and-switch move to hook people to fusing and then get them to move over to Bullseye.
If you've been in this month to take advantage of our great Spectrum Fusible Sale we've reloaded the racks with another 400' from our delivery yesterday. And yes, the new stuff is even cheaper given we bought this stuff in the States and not here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What's this... I get ALL EXCITED about a new blog (learned about it from the nefarious Lani...blame her for MY rants) and you haven't posted in DAYS. I mean, I log on at 3 AM (US Time...that 2:47 CN time) and STILL no new notes. Oh well... GcB