Diary of a Demented Store Owner

Monday, 24 January 2011

Spectrum Glass Company

Without a doubt, this company's glass is the most popular sold in the stained glass and fusing markets. So much so that we stock well over 12,000 one foot sale squares from them at all times.
That is, when we can get it given the problems we have with Spectrum's Canadian distributor actually having inventory. But that's for a blog entry for another day. We want to stay happy today.
And as with any successful manufacturer, Spectrum provides good support and marketing on their products. Their Score Magazine has been a staple for years (they even did a cover article on us many years ago!) and while it's been shortened a bit, it is now easily obtained on-line here.
They also have launched a 'big pattern' series that you can download here.
And here's a link to a page where you can grab a bunch of back issues along with some free patterns. The current issue has a cute cupcake pattern that you can pick up in the store.

As to other news about Spectrum Glass-
They've discontinued two expensive, yet very popular colours- their Cotton Candy Pink and Grape- both Erbium based and now impossible to produce economically given the price increase for Erbium, a chemical element used for its pink coloured Er 3 ions. We don't have much left so keep that in mind if you have a need for it yet.
We close with a link to a page on Spectrum's site that allows you to download a whole bunch of literature- find int here.

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