Upset that every time you turn it on it keeps melting your glass?
Had enough of burning yourself whenever you turn it on?
Then the BoneArf is the kiln for you.
With BoneArf's new water cooling technology you never have to worry about all those heat related problems associated with a hot kiln!
Utilizing special silent convective water cooled dedicated overclockers and thermoelectric coolers in place of more common standard heat exchangers. the patented BoneArf water cooling system is a technological tour-de-force. Its uniqueness lies in the way in which it cools water directly by the evaporator coil of a phase change system and is therefore able to chill the circulating coolant below the ambient air temperature of the surrounded room's air and, as a result, provides superior cooling of the kiln's heat-generating components.
Remember, with the BoneArf and its patented cooling system, you no longer get all those pesky problems associated with a hot kiln (like melting glass).
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