Diary of a Demented Store Owner

Thursday, 30 June 2011

That's Right Folks...

An unflattering pic of Zenia is our way of announcing the posting of the next Monthly Sale. 
This one is a big one not only because we love you but also because it goes from July 1st until our closing for summer vacation on Tuesday August 23rd (we reopen Sept 6).
Find the sale here.

Just a Reminder

We are taking the first Saturday ever off, this July 2nd, to reopen on July 5...

Moving Along...

I understand the sheer horror of having to be exposed to so many pics of Zenia today, and the Monthly Sale hasn't even been announced yet... but this is a shipment she's taken complete ownership of, so we have little choice. 
Next up, about a hundred bottles of liquid glass liner in over a dozen colours...
... over 200 bottles of Sys96 frit in over 40 new colours...
... boron mold spray- expensive but indispensable for stainless steel molds...

... more than 250 ceramic molds including the latest in pot melt molds, as well as some new stainless steel molds (business card holders, circles, fibre board, blanket and cloth!
... damn! more dams... 
... and we close with a smiling and relieved Zenia making nice with three empty skids. 
Order now unpacked and awaiting all of you to come visit and see...

Some of the Goodies Being Unpacked at this Very Moment

(except for those who slept in this morning)
As the staff tear through our latest shipments, here are some pics...

... here's one of our fastest sellers- the Diamond, available in two sizes (small is SM9287- 9" on the diagonal $15.99, and the larger one is SM9288- 12" on the diagonal $19.99)...

... this one is Zenia's favourite- The Wave SM9249 (probably because she remembers her family doing the wave at her basketball games) only $21.99 two dozen available...

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Public Service Announcement

The only injury in unloading today's truck shipment

Breaking the Ties That Bind Us

Here is part of the second of several orders trucked in from the U.S. this month. A concise and careful plan to reduce our dependance on a supply chain here in Canada which we suspect is due for failure. 
Lots and lots of new and exciting stuff which we'll show off here over the next few days.

Saturday, 25 June 2011

No Need To Keep Those Cheques Coming

We don't seem to sell many books these days and I'm guessing it's because of the internet. And when we give you guidance like here today on how to get stained glass patterns from the net for free, we'll sell even fewer.
So, looking for a pattern? Here's one of the best free tips you'll get today (aside from selling RIM).
Now be patient- it's not just the Google search thing that everybody knows about- there's more to it;

1) Stop looking at naughty pictures on the web and type into the Google search box a subject with the words 'stained glass' included.

Here's our beginning of a search for a pattern for a stained glass frog:

Now that's a familiar page. But here's where things get so much better.

2) Now click on the word 'Images' which you'll find on the left side of this page;

3) This is where things get really cool- now click on the words 'Line drawing' and here's what you'll get:

4) Oh yeah, best tip now?
Sell your stock in Indigo/Chapters

Summer Store Hours Now In Effect

Summer Hours 
 to Sept. 5, 2011)

Monday....................Closed (sorry)
Tuesday .................. 11 am to 5 pm
Wednesday.............. 11 am to 5 pm
Thursday................. 11 am to 5 pm
Friday...................... 11 am to 5 pm
Saturday...................10 am to 3 pm
Sunday...................  Closed (sorry)

Friday, 24 June 2011

We Missed You Today, Theresa!


This retelling of Swiss Cheesed's beginnings comes in anticipation of some very big news to come- a disclosure so significant and earth shattering in its scope- only to be revealed at the end of Part 7 of this saga.
We continue our story...

Part 3 of Mike's story of the origins of Swiss Cheesed Glasswerks;
I forced the Great Glass Makers of Swiss Cheesed Glass to use my source of lime for their glass production. This is the world's most expensive lime and costs thousands of dollars per pound and tastes great. When you run your hands over a sheet of Swiss Cheesed made with this lime you will experience the vibe of this high powered ingredient. Because we are what we cut it is important to cut only the highest quality glass. Remember, when you cut Swiss Cheesed Glass you are affirming your direct connection to our brother and sister artists in the cave.

...to be continued...

Another Helpful Page

The biggest problem fusers seem to have is understanding the firing process and the logic behind it. If you've ever been corralled in the store by Mikey and had to bear his 20 minute basic fusing chat you'll only partially understand the pain and suffering his family must endure. But there is a way to avoid this excruciating talk and that's to visit this page from Uroboros, just recently posted- a page of firing schedules. Now you can come visit Mikey with an attitude of smugness and indifference, aware and comforted in the knowledge that you now know just about everything he does (remember, it was a 20 minute chat)...

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

If you check Mikey's "Another Thing"blog  entry about six entries below, you'll see that he's very concerned about the supply situation here in Canada. 
So much so that we are increasing our purchasing in the U.S. to assure our securing inventory in anticipation of the part of the supply chain possibly collapsing here.
That's right folks- we need to recognize that things are not very healthy in Canada and we still need to worry about taking care of you, the customer who we love and cherish deeply.
Today Zenia planks on top of one of several skids that came in through our front door today from the U.S. Several more to come in the next three weeks.

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

You'd Be Wrong

You might think that this is just a crass and superficial way to get to post a totally unflattering picture of Zenia, but you'd be... oh, what the heck sure it is. 
It's also an excuse to tell you that our one week sale of Sys96 Clear Fusing glass did sell out on Saturday, but we've been able to get in another case extending the sale until this Saturday!

Monday, 20 June 2011

Uroboros Art Glass

They make ring mottles and streakies, ripples and fripples, Radiums and Fractures and Seasonal Collage Glass. Heck they even make fusible 90 coe and Sys96 glass in two thicknesses. And yup, we carry most of them, including Heads and Tails, coming any day now.
They have a new catalogue- go here.

Saturday, 18 June 2011


This retelling of Swiss Cheesed's beginnings comes in anticipation of some very big news to come- a disclosure so significant and earth shattering in its scope- only to be revealed at the end of Part 7 of this saga.
We continue our story...

Part 2 of Mike's story of the origins of Swiss Cheesed Glasswerks; 
I had a very special strain of vintage Egyptian ash imported, the type that was mined by the Hebrews during the time of their exodus from Egypt (1350 B.C.). This is the ash of liberation from the bondage of boring glass, and any man who is on the path of enlightened stained glass deserves glass containing this rare type of ash. Humanity needs to break the bonds of mediocrity and after cutting some Swiss Cheesed Glass you will immediately notice how liberated you feel- and know why you are dancing unclothed in your living room...
to be continued...

Thursday, 16 June 2011

It Pays To Read Mikey's Little Blog, Once Again

The Diary of a Demented Store Owner is a blog that tries to share the insights of a lowly shopkeeper. That means that every so often Mikey will rant about suppliers (seems he's done his fair share this week... The Missus). Sometimes he'll try to educate. On the rare occasion he might even make an attempt at humour. Today, once again, he offers an exclusive sale item for fusers. Look upon it as a reward for reading this...
Only from June 17- 23 (or while supplies last);

First grade Sys96 Clear Fusible Sale Squares.... on sale at $5.88/each! (cash/debit)

Also, take note of Zenia's lame attempt to impersonate Figimodo with the evil intent to one day replace him...

And Another Thing...

It's no secret in our industry, that the wholesale supply chain in Canada is in serious trouble. We've seen owner changes, competitors bought out (creating a monopoly in Canada), supply levels severely reduced, stock outages a regular occurrence and most significantly, selection decimated. 
Do you know that if you own a home in Ontario that's older than 75 years, with leaded glass, we no longer can properly repair/restore your window because the supplier has deemed that glass redundant due to sales. Or, how about if you bought a Glastar G9 grinder- a significant investment- and want to get a replacement wheel for it, it's not available to us for you except by special order, and we have no date for that order. I guess we can't recommend that grinder any longer.

So, as this saga continues to worsen, it gives us concern, but has strengthened our resolve to look elsewhere. We no longer feel confident in the status quo and therefore will continue to source out alternate suppliers. We will try our best to hold down prices and increase our inventory levels to minimize out-of-stocks from occurring. In other words, we will do our best to protect and grow this industry of ours as best we can in spite of adversity. We will not allow ourselves to be at the mercy of someone else. 
So, coming in the next month, from suppliers in the U.S. and sadly not Canada;
glass supercutters from Toyo, Mitsuboshi and others (secret), mosaic molds, bottle and lens cutters, glassline fusing colour pens and tip sets, boron spray, ceratek and fibre blanket, replacement bandsaw drive belts and way cheap bandsaw blades, Uroboros Streakies, Ring Mottles and Fracture/Streamers, 20+ newish Sys96 fusible glass colours (like Irid Herringbone Ripples and Radiums in two thicknesses, their new Lipstick Red Opals and Copper Reactives) over 300 bottles of fusible frits and powders, stringers, rods and noodles, 7/32” silver backed foil from DTI, fusing decals, metal non-slip cutting rulers,400+ ceramic molds and most exciting- over six cases of Uroboros Heads and Tails and a whole bunch of other really cool stuff that we don’t yet want to reveal!

Oh, one more thing. We are getting a little frustrated at fielding phonecalls, visits and emails from others in the business complaining to us about this situation.
Your complaints are legitimate. 
You’re just complaining about it to the wrong guy folks.

Fair is Fair

The Canadian Dollar has been above the American Greenback for many months. Several now steadily above 2% or more. Using one of our One and Only Canadian Supplier's logic we paid a surcharge when our dollar stood 2% or more below our friendly neighbours, so to be fair, we should now be enjoying a significant rebate.
Still waiting...

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

... and here's another friday class student, and new grandmother- Joody;

... and we close off with a couple from customers who we're proud to share with you, but not so proud to remember to include their names (sorry);

here's the work of Evil Donna, who brings Mikey Cheetos on fridays because she knows it's his kryptonite. She started this lamp, two weeks after seeing Jimi Hendrix at Woodstock (yes, that long ago), under the very capable guidance of Theresa, our great Friday Intermediate Class instructor;

... and here we show off Peter R.'s copper foil work of a couple of very deceivingly komplex Celtic Knot Kabinet doors;

We now move on to Mary, who is also relatively new, and a rarity today in that she prefers to work in lead more than copper foil. Here's one of her latest work;

Note how thrilled she is to pose for a picture on Bad Hair Day Friday

It seems such a shame to burst in here and to have to interrupt the great story of Mikey and the founding of Swiss Cheesed GlassWerks, but there are things we need to talk about and show. 
Today, we clean out some folders and showcase some of the work of our students and customers, a very talented group;

We start with Leon. A self made man who dropped into our store a few months ago, having just taken a simple fusing class. Something he wanted to learn to make use of the kilns he already has in his (different) business. He now does various pours/rakings with his own highly customized kilns, even to the extent where he's built a water cooled rack for stirring his glass.

Monday, 13 June 2011


It is now an appropriate time for Mikey to retell the story of Swiss Cheesed Glasswerks, a line of glass so magical and mysterious as to inspire awe in all those who come into contact with it. 
It is true that Swiss Cheesed Glasswerks is a wondrous product and the saga of its origin even more so, and yes, Mikey was there at the beginning. 
This retelling of Swiss Cheesed's beginnings comes in anticipation of some very big news to come- a disclosure so significant and earth shattering in its scope- only to be revealed at the end of Part 7 of this saga.
We begin our story...

How It Came To Be;
There are many qualities of artglass that are used in the production of stained glass. Most glass is made from ordinary sand and other stuff, which usually results in unremarkable glass. Because of my connoisseur glass standards of taste, and my love for my customers and this craft of ours, I was compelled to arrange for the production and importation of a superior line of artglass, a glass people would be in awe of, a glass so brilliant and inspiring, a glass with no equal. This is the tale of my pursuit of the perfect artglass. 
To begin, I arranged for the lease of 100 acres of fertile Mississippi River Delta waterfront land. On said land's shoreline, I installed a pair of stereo speakers so while the lilt sand of the headwaters of the Mississippi were forming, they could be properly serenaded by the sounds of music of our forefathers- music from Muddy Waters and Chester Burnett, from Zappa and Zimmerman. In this way I was assured that this sand used in the production of my beloved Swiss Cheesed Glass would be richly endowed with soul, energy and the passion of stained glass which we so love. I was also compelled to import thunder and lightening because I needed to empower this raw material of sand with the type of pure primal pagan energy that all great artglass expresses. ... to be continued