Kokomo Opalescent Glass Works. What can we say about this great American glass manufacturer? Located in Kokomo, Indiana, it is the oldest manufacturer of hand cast, rolled cathedral and opalescent glass in America, and the oldest manufacturer of opalescent glass in the world. Hey, they even provided good old Louis Tiffany with artglass back in the 1880’s. And we were the first source for this glass in Canada, going back to the early 1980’s. They make everything from single colour cathedrals to 5 colour opal mixes, streakies, ripples and catspaw opals.
Kokomo is incredibly easy to cut and has a colour quality unmatched by its competitors.
And you know what?
We can actually get it, unlike some other manufacturers such as Spectrum which is becoming increasingly scarce over the past couple of years.
We now have secured a steady supply of this great glass in 12” Sale Squares, and have priced them way too cheaply. Included are opals, cathedrals, ripples and streakies, and of course, their great 5 colour mixes. And as usual, the buy 5, get 1 free, etc sale bonus also applies.